Military Grade Warehousing

We are proud of our principal leadership service to our country.

High Security / Military Grade Security and Warehousing Services (OFS - Columbus, Ohio)At OFS, Military and Security come hand and hand. With standard warehousing to our Military Grade warehousing. Our Military grade is high security that exceeds any civilian warehouse in the country. Deploying our security clearance officers to process any highly sensitive commodity is right up our lane. Military-grade service with civilian pricing. Take advantage of our Military Grade warehouse service package. 


High Security / Military Grade Security and Warehoue Services:

  • 24 hours / 365 Days security video monitoring
  • Security Clearance Only for approved personnel
  • Badge only access
  • Motion sensor warehouse
  • Physical barriers for closed-out access

Contact OFS to learn more.

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Improved Inventory Accuracy Increases Furniture Retailer's Labor Efficiency By 25%
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